Gold Alchemy Stone

Gold Alchemy Stone


Earthenware ceramic with pure gold lustre. 3.5cm diameter - 2cm height

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Alchemy Stones

These small ancient devices work like a talisman or amulet. You can carry them with you or have them close at work or in your home.

They work best with a sacred intention which they amplify. They are there to remind you of your intention every time you see them or feel them in your pocket…

Cleanse and program as you would a crystal. They also create a mini-portal wherever you place them.

Use in your daily practice or sacred rituals and ceremonies.

“ But these are conductors of energy. And they can be used to work the energies.

To conduct them, as it were… Like a conduit, guiding the energies where to go

And moving them with intention. And with ritual. And with ceremony.

Working with your grid points…”