

A reading is something special, just for you.

Some time out to connect closely with Spirit.

If you have been on your pathway for some time then this is for you.

You may be feeling a bit lost and unsure about your next steps…

You may feel a bit disconnected from your guides…

You may be lacking in motivation and inspiration to move forward.

You may have questions around connecting with who you are.

When you have a reading with me we will connect with Spirit who are closely in tune with your journey and needs.

One-off readings

Do you have a particular issue or question that you would like Spirit to address? Or would you like to meet me and experience how I work?

Three readings

A series of regular readings can go deep into uncovering your truth, clearing blocks and accessing your:

  • soul mission

  • twin flame reunion

  • Ascension pathway

  • family/relationship dynamics

  • health issues

This work will change you forever from the inside out and transform your life exponentially.

My mission is to support you to align with your deep soul truth

To guide you on your pathway with practical assistance and wisdom from Spirit.

This process may involve doing healing work:

  • with your ancestral timeline to release blocks and create energy flow

  • with your family and close connections to heal conflict and harmonise relationships

  • releasing internal stuck energy from early or past life trauma that is causing you issues in this lifetime

  • connecting with your divine partner to clear the path to divine union

  • receiving clarity about your life purpose and your next steps on your journey

  • grounding your intentions and fully embodying your power so that you can stand in your own sovereignty

I will hold you in a safe space where you will be witnessed and heard.

When we have done this work you will feel:

  • energised and released within your being

  • ready to inhabit and live your truth in your divine essence and radiance

  • greater perspective and clarity on the bigger picture of your life and circumstances

  • trust and faith that all is well and happening in divine order

  • the ongoing love and support from Spirit

What to expect before, during, and after your reading

Before your reading

  • Be comfortable and able to relax and let go, as you may go into deep meditation.

  • If possible sit in your sacred space.

If you don’t have a sacred space, create one with candles, incense, crystals and flowers. Be guided by what makes you feel connected to Spirit.

It is important to make your own temple space to clarify your intentions and set the mood.

  • If you have a particular issue or question that you would like addressed, please tell me at the beginning

  • Come to the session with a sense of respect and reverence as befits working with high beings in sacred ceremony.

  • You may be given in-depth information. I suggest that you record your session for future reference as you may not remember everything that is said.

  • Make sure your phone is on silent and that others in the house know not to disturb you during your session.

This is important as Spirit will be balancing the energies and performing healing.

When you book the reading, know that Spirit will be working with you in preparation for the reading and are excited to help you forward on your journey. The work has already begun!

During your reading, you will receive one or more of the following:

  • insightful messages and practical guidance spoken directly by Ascended Masters and/or Archangels in their own words.

  • messages from higher beings relayed intuitively by Barbara in her words. Barbara will also describe what is happening as it occurs, for example, a sacred ceremony in the temple of Isis or a ritual with Native American Indians.

  • direct messages from loved ones in Spirit, your own guides, and those in the elemental realms

  • energy healing to rebalance your chakras, remove and transmute blocks and residues in your energy system from previous trauma in this and past lives.

Spirit will work on many levels to address your unique needs and intention.

If it is appropriate, Spirit will offer you the opportunity to ask questions during the reading. Remember they know exactly what you need to know or receive at any given time. Please keep your responses to a minimum to allow Spirit uninterrupted flow.

After your reading

Make sure that you have time afterward to assimilate what has taken place and to come back gently.

You will have had a recalibration of your energy system that will need to settle. It is advisable to keep strenuous of stressful activities to a minimum to let the work integrate fully.